Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Green Ritual: Holistic Nutrition Counseling

Oh, 2012 how you're zooming by! I can't believe it's the beginning of July already! We've already experienced the longest day of the year and now they will only get shorter and soon enough, with how time has been passing, it will be winter and cold once again.  I mean, not for me cause I'm in Southern California. But for the rest of you folks, it will and it's sad.  I'm sorry, I'm a jerk but I am so in love with this place.  Since we've moved here we experienced tons of sunlight and I think it's completely lifted my mood for life. Vitamin D is no longer a stranger to me and my bones are reaping the benefits! There are such strange plants here, interesting succulents, purple flowered trees, and hundreds of trails and parks to walk around to see it all. It has made me feel young again! Not that I'm that old or anything, it's just been a while since I've wanted to spend most of, if not all of my day outside. We've recently purchased a scooter for me to get around during the day and for joy rides with the hubby. It is so much fun as we "scoot" here and there with the wind, the occasional bug, and a great view of the world as it flies by...sigh. Contentment.  AND it's so affordable! One tank of gas takes us 70-80 miles! It doesn't get much greener than that, unless it was electric or just a plain ole bicycle. But we do what we can.
Oh and how did the cleanse go? It went great! Thanks for asking! I feel better than brand new, I feel completely different. Energy has surged back into my life and the urgency to get out there and to do something is overwhelming at times. I have been going to Calavera Lake, which has miles of trails, hills, a lake and an old quarry, to burn the energy off. It has become apart of my Green Ritual. I usually go after work, run off the stresses of the day with our dog Zoey. Running on a dirt path with winding trails, climbing steep inclines and avoiding rattlesnakes (this has happened only once, so far) is the best way for me to get exercise and it's an adventure! The park is so beautiful and has many challenges, which kicks running on old, boring pavement in the patootie! I'm addicted, really. I never thought I would enjoy running again but I think it's easier for me if I'm on a trail. I can't wait until I get off to sweat and enjoy nature. I really wanted to share this with you to encourage you to find a local park to go for walks, runs, hikes or whatever you fancy. It is such a great stress reliever and connects you with nature, which I believe is so important for spirituality and happiness. Go in the mornings if it's too hot, since most of the country has been a sauna lately, or enjoy an evening stroll with someone you love. Just get out there and enjoy it!

Life is good! 

Remember in my last post when I said I would have some big news to share?? Well, (drum roll please!) I am very excited to tell you that the website for my counseling business is up and running! It has been a challenge to get all the kinks out and to focus on what I prefer to have on it then what needs to be perfect about it (something I learned from my health counselor).  We can't always get what we want but I am truly happy with the outcome. This post is dedicated to sharing  my program with you!  Lucky you!!
My goal in a career is to help people find what really works for them to be healthy, sustainable and natural, not only for themselves but for their families, their home, the environment, the earth.  That's a huge goal!  But this is my passion.  When I get down to it, I am a nature girl. I love being out there with the smell of the plants, the warmth of the sun, away from the stresses of "normal" modern life. The feelings and emotions that it brings me, lifts my spirits to a whole other level and not many things can make me feel that alive. I strive to achieve that sensation in my life by treating myself with respect, feeding my body with nourishing food/fuel and by being conscious about the way we live at home. Reducing the amounts of waste, recycling, reusing, reducing, turning off the running water when we're done with it (I'm still working on this one). One day, when we actually own property I will have a fabulous garden. My Green Ritual will some day be one that has home grown produce fresh from my own garden! My goal and my desire is to help people achieve these same things. The point of counseling is to help people find what makes them feel alive, to nourish that, make it grow and have that truly be apart of their lives forever. A lot of people might not really know how to go about this, that's why I'm here!

So how does the program work?  

It is a 6 month program where the client and I will meet for 1 hour, twice a month, either in person, if they are local, or by phone. So, if you are interested in being a client, don't worry about living elsewhere, sessions can be done over the phone and are just as effective. The main focus is their health, first and foremost.  Any concerns they might have in regards to their personal health is addressed and our main focus throughout the program. Together we work to find solutions to these health issues that are natural, sustainable and effective, and something that they can do easily, so that the change lasts. It's not about starting another diet because I really believe that diets don't work.  I need to stress this point. It's about learning what REAL food is and how to cut out all of the crap. And trust me, there is a lot of crap out there! 

We work on the mind as well. In school we learned about "Primary Food" and "Secondary Food". Secondary Food is the food that we eat, and Primary food is everything else that feeds our lives such as relationships, spirituality, career and physical activity. All of these things fuels our life and effects that way we live, eat, sleep and interact with others.  If one thing is out of balance then everything can be out of balance.  In my program we will work on the "Primary Food" in each client's life. Doing this addresses and reduces stress (a huge factor in obesity and disease) depression, anxiety and brings joy and peace back into the life.

Not only do we work on their health but we also discuss how they can be greener at home.  There are endless possibilities to doing this from starting a garden to grow fresh produce, earth friendly (and people friendly) cleaning products, energy saving tips and techniques, easy ways to recycle and compost, joining a CSA...the list goes on.  These are important practices for our future. The way humans have been living the past century is no longer sustainable. We have taken so much from the planet and Mother Nature is starting to fight back. By incorporating these practices we will save the earth, save our health, save money, save the economy and we can feel great about ourselves for being a super hero! Need I say more?? This isn't just a trend. This is a movement that will permanently change the way we live.  Why not get a head start?

Other fun add ons to the program are...
  • Cooking lessons
  • Farmers market tours
  • Gardening consultation 
  • Health food store tour
  • Energy Saving Tips
  • Group hikes & yoga/fitness classes
  • Email support in between sessions
  • My newsletter
  • Books, DVDs, other gifts to keep clients motivated and inspired

A lot of people ask why the 6 month program and here's why, this length of time is long enough to learn and sustain a lifetime of health.  I will not overwhelm clients with several recommendations at once because we really need to find out what works for them. Real change takes time. 

The knowledge clients will receive and what they will learn about themselves is completely life changing! 

What will clients get from working with me?

My full and complete attention and support!  It isn't a normal experience to have a full hour to speak to someone about your health and to get recommendations based on what we've discussed that are easy to follow and tailored made.  Also, I am a self proclaimed healthy chef. I graduated from culinary school and have studied holistic nutrition, I know how to prepare awesome meals that are nutritious, easy to make and that you and your family will love. Clients will get the opportunity to take cooking lessons from me, either one on one or in a group setting.  But another great feature is that the blog is always available to find great recipes and tips in the meantime. Knowing how to prepare healthy meals that they will actually want to eat is going to be the key to their success.  

As a client of my health counseling program, you will…
  • Set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting
  • Work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight
  • Understand and reduce your cravings
  • Increase energy levels
  • Feel great in your body
  • Prevent diseases of affluence
  • Learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them
  • Improve you personal relationships
  • Learn how to have a sustainable lifestyle both at home and as an individual
  • Discover the confidence to create the life you want

Nutrition can be so confusing, especially with all of the conflicting messages about health that we face on daily basis. Clients will learn what really works best for them, because we are all different.  After the 6 months is over they will be able to identify what to eat that truly nourishes the body while satisfying their cravings, how to get exercise that is fun, learn green ways of living and they will be able to create a brilliant, sustainable lifestyle.

If you are interested or might know someone who would be interested in my program, then contact me at to set up a free initial consultation.  During this consultation you will have a chance to get to know me better and vice versa and we will talk about your health concerns, goals and history and how I might be able to help you.

So that's that! A lot of information was shot at you all at once. Please visit my website if you would like any more information but also feel free to contact me with any questions.

Lots of love!

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