Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exercise the Demons

In honor of Halloween, the topic is exercising the demons out! No, not exorcise, cause that's scary, but exercise, which is...less scary.  I'm going to try to turn you on to the idea. No, there will not be any pictures of me in a Halloween costume exercising, although I'm sure that would be hilarious and frightening. So instead, I will show you cute pictures of Zoey getting some of her boundless, demon energy out.

This week is my first week of training for the Carlsbad Half Marathon, happening on January 27th! My friend Marissa convinced me to join her, twisted my arm really (Haha! just kidding). I've never run any type of race before, so this will be interesting. For the next couple of months, I will post on our progress as we train to run 13.1 miles. It sounds a little crazy to me right now, running that distance at one time, but people do! Some people even run full marathons of 26.2 miles! Now that's insane! The thought of that makes my knees ache and fall off. But beginning this week, I will amp up my workout routine, running a few more miles and adding a three days of cross training in between.  It will be a challenge but I'm excited to see what my body can do.

Soooo, today, I would love to talk about...

I've mentioned exercise before but only briefly. Today, I want to encourage you to get out there and sweat. It's not a secret that exercise is essential for good health but so few people actual get it. With technology, conveniences, working long hours, exercise can be forgotten in the daily routine.  Most Americans sit at a desk, on a computer at their jobs. This, of course, was not what the human body was meant for. Think about it, 100 years ago (or less) humans got their daily exercise from their work, but unless you're an athlete, construction worker, or farmer, for example, we simply do not move unless it's making copies or grabbing some coffee.  Honestly, I doubt that this type of work life will last long.  As humans, it is not reasonable to sit 40-50 hours a week (not including the hours of watching TV at home), indoors away from natural sunlight, staring at a computer screen all day. Isn't it kind of depressing?

But since we can't make changes over night, we need to find ways to exercise the demons out! 

People who exercise regularly:
  • Improve physical health and quality of life
  • Improve psychological well-being (stress, depression, anxiety)
  • Have increased energy levels
  • Are better able to manage weight 
  • Sleep better
  • Reduce hypertension, high blood pressure and can even help fight diabetes
  • Have increased bone strength
  • Don't get sick as often
  • Have better concentration 
  • Better circulation
  • Have a better sex life, and if that doesn't get you motivated, I don't know what will. 
But you know all of this!  How can we get you to exercise? I think the most important thing is to do something that you love! For me, I love to workout outdoors, in nature. I run on dirt trails at a beautiful park near my home.  I take my dog Zoey and we both get a great workout while having fun! I run, hike, climb and walk and switch it up constantly. I go a different path every time to explore new terrain and prevent boredom. I go 3-4 times a week and spend on average 45-60 minutes on the trails in the evenings around sunset. What I get out of this precious time with myself and nature is fresh oxygen, a good sweat, a sense of adventure and accomplishment, and relief from any stresses or things that are bothering me at the time. When you workout your body, you also workout your mind, meaning decisions are made either consciously or unconsciously. Your problems are sorted out and perhaps the endorphins that flood the brain reduce the level of care you have about a certain issue, making it not so important anymore. Either way, exercise quiets the mind and gives you peace. That is what I experience every time I get to the trails and run.

This is what I propose...

Find a form or exercise that you love. This is so important! If you don't love going to the gym, then don't go to the gym! What's great about exercise is that you can do it almost anywhere and it can be free! Anything from running, hiking, walking, bicycling (riding your bike to work is a great way to get exercise and to save money), playing a sport you enjoy, swimming, surfing, or yoga, there is a form of exercise for everyone!. It needs to be something that makes you happy and something that you can do for the long run. If you don't love it, you will not do it. If you've hated exercise in the past, it's probably because you were not doing something you enjoyed.

For all the people that live in a colder climate, check out recreational sports for some fun, indoor activities. When we lived in Chicago, we played dodge ball and indoor volleyball in the winter (softball and beach volleyball in the Spring/Summer). There are plenty of indoor recreational sports to choose from. But if playing a sport isn't your thing then I'd recommend checking out a gym or taking a class of some sort. I love Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) during the coldest months of the year. Additionally, there are tons of workout DVDs to do in the comfort of your own home. There are plenty of options! I recommend checking out www.meetup.com in your area to find some great classes and sporting events to join and best of all, some of these activities are free!

Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. Start there. It doesn't have to be 5 days a week! Start slow. Once you find something you love to do you will want to do it 3 times a week, if not more. But don't over do it at first, it can lead to injury. When I started running at the trails, I loved it so much the I found myself there almost everyday. I ended up with a busted knee and had to lay low for a few days. After some rest, I was back to running again but not everyday, 3-4 days works best for me.

Another important note: Exercising can increase your hunger, and could make you overeat. Just be mindful of that and try not to overindulge...too much. Drink plenty of water before and after your workouts.

Find the right time to exercise. For me, it's in the evenings after work. That time works for me because I've had a few meals and am fueled up for the run. I get better results and am happier doing it then.  You might find that the mornings work best for you or that you have time during your lunch break to fit it in. Experiment with different times to see what best works for you and when you get the best workout.  

Side note, try to get outside for a 10 minute walk during a break at work. It will help the day to go by with less stress and it's always good to get a little sunlight and fresh air to keep you going throughout the work day.

You need to get your heart rate up. When you work out, it's important to raise your heart rate in order to get effective exercise. You will know you are getting a good workout when you are breathing more heavily, starting to sweat and your heart is pumping faster. Raising the heart rate increases the heart's efficiency, oxygenating the blood and pumping it throughout the body with more ease. So, if you plan on walking for your exercise, make sure that it is challenging, swing your arms and pick up the pace or walk up hills. Just make sure to raise your heart rate just enough to sweat and your breath quickens. You should still be able to talk but only a few words per breath. This is a good test to see if you have a good enough pace.

Don't forget to stretch. It's important to stretch after a workout to reduce the risk of injury. Stretching increases your range of motion and flexibility.  It's best to stretch when muscles are warmed up. This is one of my favorite parts of the workout because it continues to calm the mind, returns your heart rate to it's normal level and it relaxes the body. 
Of course, you can always add some strength training into your routine but I would suggest to start slow and to not put too much pressure on yourself. Make sure you enjoy it! I like to do yoga, so sometimes I'll add 1 or 2 yoga classes a week to increase my strength and flexibility. You can also do strength training at home easily and cheaply with resistance bands and or free weights. 

Sooooo, what do you think?! Do you think you can start exercising?? It's just 3 days a week for 30 minutes at a time.  Try it out, find a form that you love. Go out for a walk or run, hike at a park, swim at the YMCA, or play a recreational sport. Just get moving. You will feel great, look great, reduce stress, and create a healthier life for yourself. 

I don't know about you but I am pumped! Stay tuned for new posts regarding half marathon training and plant-based meal plans for marathon trainers.

Go get your sweat on!

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